Aromas Water's NewsSplash! Third Quarter 2021
As you are probably aware, throughout the pandemic, the District has been following the State guidelines regarding public access to protect both our customers and staff. During that time though, we have always been available via phone during office hours. Recently the District office reopened to admit customers, although a mask is required to enter.
We are still encouraging customers to use the payment box outside our front door which is a quick and convenient way to drop off check payments at any time, or cash payments during office hours.
On another subject, due to a recent change in legislation, the collection service of sharps and drugs that was offered by Waste Management for some years via two kiosks in our office is not currently available. Please check out this website for more information on drop off sites.
You may have noticed a conspicuous absence in our demonstration garden? We said a final goodbye to our “Monster” agave in early May! We had to enlist help from heavy duty equipment as it did not want to give up its prime location despite the best efforts of our Operations Team! Our wonderful gardener is working to make the garden look lovely again over the next few months and hopefully we will be able to (safely!) participate in the Aromas Hills Artisans Garden tour in May 2022, which we know many in our local community enjoy! Perhaps we will see you there?
Our Board continues to meet, on a monthly basis (fourth Tuesday of the month, check the Board Meeting Schedule for the date and Agenda). Should you wish to attend the meeting, you may attend via Zoom; connection details will be available soon.